And a Few More to Grow on

It’s been a while since we’ve put up any writing prompts.  It can be tricky setting a balance between relatable yet writable and unique yet interesting.  Don’t worry, we’re always hard at work trying to find that balance.

Don’t believe me?  Fine, here’s proof!

  • When you were a kid you probably had a favorite animal.  What was it?  Why?  What is it now?  Why?  Why did it change (if it did)?
  • Write about a time when you went full on “sour grapes.”  What did you want?  Why couldn’t you have it?  In the end, were you right?  Were those grapes truly sour?
  • Pick a game, any game.  Now improve it in some way, whether absurd or realistic.  Thinking about how boring I find soccer, I would place archers on the sides of the pitch.  That would be exciting!  Your turn.
  • What’s your favorite thing that you don’t really like?  For me it’s cooking pancakes.  I LOVE pouring the batter, I love the flip, I love choosing common or uncommon additions (common = blueberries, uncommon = caramelized onions).  Just one problem… I don’t really like pancakes.  What’s your thing like that?
  • Go somewhere public.  Choose 5 strangers at random.  Without staring, describe their walk.
  • Describe the place you are in as if in a horror movie without changing anything.  Now describe it as if in a sad song.  Now, as the setting of a fond memory.
  • Describe your favorite non-food smell as if smelling it for the first time.
  • Imagine our normal mundane world but with one fantastical element.  How would things change or be different?  How would this one element change economics?  How would this element change popular culture?  Here’s a few fantastical elements to try on for size:
    • Dragons are real but untameable.
    • Harry Potter style magic is real but only one spell.
    • Everyone from Denmark is immortal.
    • Mice can talk.
    • Several moons in our solar system have been terraformed and have people living on them.
  • Write about a trip you went on at least 5 years ago.  What do you remember about it?  Was it a good trip?  All these years later, how has your view of this trip changed?
  • What was a hobby, pastime or passion that you don’t have anymore?  Why did you stop?  How do you feel about it now?  Did something replace it in your life?  Would you want to go back to it?  What’s stopping you?

Enjoy!  And please let us know the answer to some of these in the comments!  I’d love to read them!


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