…And the livin’s easy!?

If you’re anything like me, you hate Summer.

I always thought it was cruel giving kids the Summer off.  The one time of year when you’re supposed to enjoy not being in school and play outside instead.  And then the weather decides to make most of those days inhospitably hot.


Well, now that I’m an adult I don’t get Summers off but the weather is still gross.  I clearly have a hate affair with Summer.  On the plus side, Notebooking while firmly stationed by an air conditioner is a much better option than venturing in to the hemisphere sized sauna called Summer.

Maybe some Writing Prompts will help me to re-take the cruelest of seasons!

  • What is the perfect Summer beverage?  Why is it so perfect?
  • In Summer, the rhythms of life are different.  What do you notice?
  • Write a list of things you look forward to in Summer.  Whether creature comforts or events, the list is yours.
  • What was your favorite “Summer game” from your childhood?  If you were to play it right now, who would you play with and why?
  • In the days leading up to Summer break there was a general excited anticipation in the air.  What is your “Adult Equivalent” to that feeling?  What are you anticipating?
  • What traditional Summer activity just doesn’t make sense to you?  Feel free to rant a bit for fun! (Corn on the cob?  Are we animals!?  We don’t eat raspberries “off the bush”!?)
  • If there was a Christmas tree analog for summertime, what would it be and how would you decorate it?
  • Go somewhere air conditioned.  Listen to Christmas/Holiday music (earbuds please) and drink a hot beverage.  Then relax.  Maybe Notebook or maybe just read, it’s up to you how you relax.  Then, when you leave and walk out into the wall of heat, take note of what you’re feeling.  Notebook that feeling.

Well, I hope these help you beat the heat.  And if not, just remember, you asked for this heat sometime in February so it’s your fault.  Thanks a lot!

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