Everyday, I’m Notebooking

As you probably already know we recommend that you write daily in your notebook.  20 minutes to be specific.  Taking something that you like to do or want to do or simply want to do better;  then making it a part of your daily routine makes sense.  Right?  Making a daily habit of Notebooking makes such intuitive sense that we almost didn’t question it.  Almost.

When we finally did question it we realized that there’s a lot more going on than we originally thought.  Here is just a few good reasons to make a point of Notebooking daily:

  • It’s Fun!  Whether you enjoy finding new and interesting ways to write creatively or enjoy the challenge of recording experiences in a cool and dynamic form or simply enjoy the tactile experience of putting pen to page, Notebooking is fun.  If you didn’t enjoy it, you wouldn’t be here.
  • It keeps you Mindful  When you write daily you will tend to become more aware of things to write about.  Writing daily puts you and your mind in the position of either “going to write in a few hours” or “just wrote a few hours ago” at all times.  This mentality will keep you more “on the lookout” for good things to write.  This will help your writing flow better and faster.  Being open to a cool quote or an interesting idea you heard will also help your content to be better.
  • Habit of Creativity  Every time you Notebook, you are being creative.  When you write daily, you are creative daily.  Getting into a creative state can be difficult but like any other skill, practice makes perfect.  Being able to jump into a creative state of mind at a moment’s notice is helpful to much more than just writing.  Everything from problem solving to small talk benefits immensely form a creative mind showing up.
  • Become more Insightful  Another side effect of daily Notebooking is that you spend more time thinking.  This might seem obvious, and I suppose it is.  What isn’t readily obvious is the effect this has on the Notebooker.  When you spend more time thinking, particularly thinking in regards to notebooking, the better you get at deeper reflection.  Add to this the inherent reflection you do when you assess your notebook, you end up becoming more insightful.  In this day and age where people bury themselves in devices and social media being insightful is basically a superpower.  A superpower that allows you to think differently, effectively and to be the best conversationalist in the room!
  • Habitual Humor  If you try to write humor daily, something very interesting will happen… You will succeed.  What do I mean by succeed?  I mean that you will, eventually write things that you find funny.  Once that begins happening something else very interesting will happen; you will begin to see things through the lens of humor.  This is fantastic because in addition to becoming quicker with a joke, this will tend to give you a happier and more positive disposition.  Take THAT whining!

Finally, and simplest.  If you Notebook everyday you are much less likely to forget all those good things you want to Notebook!

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