Ode to the small yet kind

I have a personal philosophy to do something “small yet kind” for someone everyday.  A small gesture here, a kind word there.  While most people like it when you’re nice to them, this isn’t entirely altruistic.  I do it because I like it.  It puts me in a better mood.  It turns out it’s hard to be grouchy when you’re being nice to someone.

Occasionally I’ll even do something “small yet kind” for myself.  Especially when I’m Notebooking.

The phrase, “small yet kind” is a term I tend to use when talking of the simple luxuries we can afford ourselves when Notebooking.  I believe they can make all the difference in the world when it comes to your Notebooking experience.

There are many reasons to have a few “small yet kind” luxuries in your Notebooking pursuits but most of those reasons can be boiled down to 2 values:

  1. Notebooking is enjoyable so go ahead and enjoy it.
  2. It could help your Notebooking.

Let’s get into some specifics:

  • A Good Writing Implement  While you could spend A LOT of cash getting expensive pens or pencils, you certainly don’t have to.  And to reap the benefit we’re talking about here you could spend almost nothing if you want.  Let’s start with the example of a nice pen.  Many would argue that you really can’t get a really good pen for less than 100$.  These people are insane.  It’s true that if you want a pen with more weight or girth than your standard cheap ballpoint you will likely have to spend more than you would on a Bic Cristal.  Many people love the weight and feel of a fat and heavy writing implement and if that sounds appealing to you then you could get a Pilot Dr. Grip for less than 10$.  Another way to go is to try for a light weight writing implement that seems as if to disappear in your hand as you write.  I prefer this most of the time, in fact, right now I’m writing with a surprisingly smooth pencil that cost less than 7 cents.  Whether you want your writing implement to be comfortingly weighty or disappear leaving only your mind and the page, there are options for you.  And you don’t have to go to your piggy bank when you want them.
  • A Quality Notebook  This one is obvious and probably doesn’t require any explanation.  Don’t worry, I won’t let that stop me!  Being in the “preferring lightweight writing implements” camp has another advantage.  Since I prefer wood-case pencils and ballpoint pens, I can get away with using some very cheap paper.  I don’t do that though.  Why?  Because, even when using something as universally successful as a Bic Cristal, better paper feel…well, better.  Considering I can get a good notebook for less than a Moleskine disaster, there’s no reason I would use bad paper.  Excepting, of course, when some well-intentioned loved one decides to “gift” me one thinking they are good since they are sold at book stores.  Luckily, a buttery smooth Mars Lumograph HB or F works well on those disasters (at least until the binding breaks so… page 10?).
  • A Comforting Aroma  Another tiny luxury I appreciate is having a pleasant, contemplative smell in the air when I write.  You might think of this as an endorsement for scented candles or incense.  Well it is, but there’s more to it than that.  My favorite aroma to Notebook to is coffee.  I suppose I could find a candle that creates a passable facsimile of freshly brewed coffee.  Instead, I simply brew some coffee.  Paying attention to the olfactory extravaganza around you can be something of a double edged sword, however.  So, make sure you get rid of those pizza boxes or clean the litter box or whatever you need to do.  As a side note, if you decide to do something more proactive than making a cup of Joe, I recommend Japanese incense.  I find it to be the least reminiscent of that guy at the bookstore cafe who doesn’t “believe” in showering and wears sandals all year round.  If you’ve never tried Japanese incense I recommend Nippon Kodo’s Mainichi-Koh or anything in Shoyeido’s Daily line.  Both are great values for the money and readily available online.  Avoid Nippon Kodo’s Morning Star line as it is of very low quality.  You might as well get your incense from Wal-mart!
  • Music  You knew this was coming.  Most people put on music when Notebooking, right?  Of course they do.  I’m sure most people have preferred Notebooking music and so do I.  Lately it’s been Yo-yo Ma but, like most people, my tastes go in phases.  Then only real advice I would offer is to try something instrumental if you haven’t already.  Vocals tend to demand attention, that’s why they’re there.
  • A Tasty Beverage  Aside from the obvious, “because you might get thirsty,” having a nice beverage waiting beside you while you Notebook can be a very kind luxury indeed.  Depending on the beverage you choose it can have a powerful effect on your Notebooking.  No, I’m not talking about an “adult beverage” but so long as you’re not driving afterwards, go ahead.  What I’m talking about, instead, is the powerful effect having a “set aside” experience can create.  For instance, having a certain tea “set aside” for Notebooking can help put you into a Notebooking state of mind when you drink it.  Making that tea something you only drink when you Notebook can increase this psychological effect.  Another really fun use of beverages in Notebooking is to “cash in” on sense memories.  As an example, if I want to write about my childhood summers I would maybe make some sugar-free Kool-aid because that was what my parents allowed me to have when I was a child.  It might bring back some memories or sharpen existing memories.  Being intentional in what your “tasty beverage” of choice is might be something to think about.
  • Comfy Writing Area  Obviously taking the time and the modicum of effort required to get comfortable is worth it, right?  Personally, I almost never do this.  I’m usually too busy searching for a fun and unique place to Notebook to find something comfy.  Much like flossing, I should do this more.  I am surprised, every time, when after a couple pages my back doesn’t hurt or my hand isn’t getting tired or some other thing.  I know I should try to find a comfortable writing area more.  Each time I do I am more productive.  The way a Notebook and pen seem to disappear and my thoughts just flow into existence on the page when I’m comfortable is pretty incredible and should be more than just a rare treat.
  • Good Lighting  There is a difference between good lighting and bright lighting.  What defines “good lighting” for you will be different from someone else.  Maybe it’s natural light, maybe candlelight.  Maybe you’re the coolest person on the planet and you prefer to write by oil lamp!  Personally, I like bright light.  The point is, find what you like and do it.

And I suppose that’s the point of all of this.  Find what you like and enjoy it.  Don’t be afraid to explore the “small yet kind” luxuries in an effort to enjoy your Notebooking a bit more.  After all, that’s why we Notebook in the first place, to enjoy it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to go find a well-lit, comfy spot with a coffee and my favorite pencil and notebook  to start Notebooking!

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