Why We Exist

We’ve all done it.  While perusing a book store or an office supplies store we’ve seen some cool notebook.  Most likely it has been a simple black notebook with impressive (if factually dubious) claims about all the artists and writers that have used them.  The obvious implication is, “If you buy this notebook, you will be the next immortal writer/artist/traveler.”  If you’re anything like me, you bought this notebook, filled out the first page contact info, then carried it around with you everywhere.  Too intimidated to write anything so the notebook was left basically blank.   Or maybe you filled it with what you thought were deep thoughts or amazing sketches.  That’s how inspiration works, right?  Force yourself to create while in a cafe or leaning against a tree in order to look/feel like a cool kid?  Perhaps, you began using it as scratch paper, filling it with reminders to buy paper towels or finally try that Thai place that opened up 3 years ago.  One time I ended up filling half a notebook with quotes I thought were good.  This is possibly the worst thing ever.  I took something that was supposed to be uniquely mine with my unique voice and filled it with sayings from mostly pompous idiots!

Eventually, the notebook was left at home.  Stuffed into a drawer and shamefully forgotten.  Then, when you walk by another notebook display there’s a feeling of inadequacy and doubt because you couldn’t be the next Hemingway or Kerouac.

“I wish I could have made that notebook work.”

“It’s embarrassing when I think of what I wrote.”

“I guess I just don’t have a unique voice.”


You DO have an unique voice and it’s fantastic!

Here at NotebookingNerds we believe that everyone has a unique voice.  We believe that a funny, witty and intelligent content creator is in all of us. Buried under self-doubt, bad habits and a lack of guidance.

This is where the NotebookingNerds community comes in!  Our methods and systems are designed to help you create the cool, funny and dynamic notebook you were always meant to effortlessly create.  What’s more, we believe notebooking should be fun.  Your notebook should be a joy to write, a joy to look back through and a path to growth.

Please, feel free to take a look around.  If you like, leave a comment or shoot us an email.  Rest assured that while we take notebooking seriously, we don’t take ourselves very seriously.
